Enjoying peace and mushroom coffee
With all the terrible things happening all over the world, I am grateful and lucky to be able to have a good mug of mushroom coffee in peacetime here in Hungary.
The old Russian cannons with a couple of tanks you can see in the video were put here on Avas hill, Miskolc city, in my childhood in my early primary school years. The tanks have been taken away. Only their concrete foundation can be seen below. I remember we played a lot on them and we could also climb inside the cockpit. It was a bit scary to have those means of destruction within the reach of our tiny arms, but it was awesome and exciting too, of course. The remaining two cannons were pulled up to their present position and enclosed with a green metal fence.
When I practised my Flatland tricks on my small BMX bike, I could see them for hours daily at Avas Youth Park (I call it the Avas-top Sportscourt – ’Da Court’), resting there peacefully, but still almost ready to fight.
Have less fun now to be able to have more later?
For a while, the time of several hour-trainings have dropped to one and a half or two hours, mostly unfortunately only for the weekends.* Other things have come to the focus, and beside still teaching English at school and the daily 3 compulsory dog-walks and building my DXN business I simply chose not to split my physical and mental resource into many tiny little pieces for the short run. That’s exactly why I’m cycling there on Da Court less so that I will be able to ride more later. This sounds a bit like tomfoolery if I just leave this sentence hanging in the air. I’ll explain it a bit more.
* Very recently I am having a pause in riding BMX Flatland. It is not just a physically demanding sport. I need full mental focus as well, and with all the things in my life now I decided to train at home instead.

A serious reason to change: I am not the one who controls my life
I’ve come to the point for about 4 years ago when I realized that I do not really control my life and my leisure time. Once, when I was rolling and spinning on my BMX, I stopped for a moment. The weather was beautiful. The sunshine did not turn to unbearable heat when I panicly escape into the shade. Every trick went well. Everything fell into place, except for one thing. Although I can say that I I have lived in the neighbourhood of Avas all my life, I did not live here at that time, because of a series of unwise decisions. I only went there to ride BMX and missed my neighbourhood. By then my little family grew, but not with children, but with 3 dogs. All I said, quietly, almost sighing, “I wish I could live here again with the dogs.”

The Law of Attraction in my life
There is much to be heard about attracting things, the law of attraction, that thoughts become reality if one really wants something and does his best for it as well. Excellent performers, including one of my favorites, Péter Szabó (’the Hungarian Brian Tracy’) – who is also a “kid” from the block, as he also grew up here on Avas, Miskolc city – is trying to open the people’s eyes to dare to dream and to act for our dreams, and then the universe will bow and bend to our will.
Anyone can believe what he or she wants, this wish of mine came true: I divorced and moved back here with my three dogs. It came with relief, joy, calmness, but I also made a huge limitation for myself. Whoever lives in a flat with dogs knows what I’m talking about. If you do not, I suggest you do not try this at home. Actually, the problem is not with dogs as pets, but the constraint that taking care of them means. let it be only a little lap dog.

I make coffee, not war
I don’t fight either verbally or physically, neither in real life nor in cyber space on the internet. I do not share instinctive, fabricated writings, incendiary videos, anything that would cause people to jump at each other’s throats. This attitude was also influenced by the ’One Mind’ philosophy of DXN. It is fantastic that several, unbelievably opposing religions and members of different nations can celebrate together in a lecture hall/ship/excursion, and rejoice in their successes achieved by delivering DXN Ganoderma coffee, herbs, Spirulina and other healthy, healing products to the people around the world (One World, One Market).
Focus is on health and better living
In DXN Ganoderma coffee business, the focus is on getting more people to get to know the products. We do not deal with one’s nationality, religion, or political opinion. The goal is to improve the health and living standards of all people who are interested in it.
Why should I make war if I can make coffee?
The martial, pushy, “old-school” MLM style can be considered war. Due to this peddlary-way almost everyone got to hate the Network Marketing profession.
I can proudly say that such methods are far from the attitude of DXN and from mine too. Yet I think the company and its founder, dr. Lim have many reasons if they wanted to be a bit boastful, but they don’t even think about that. DXN is the number one, the market leader Ganoderma company in the world, with many awards, certificates and diplomas. However, if we look at dr. Lim, hear a few words of his, it all just comes down to what a humble and direct man actually he is, despite the great knowledge he possesses.
So no need to harass people with the business opportunity, like there was a war going on. Just chill, enjoy your favourite type of DXN coffee and be out there for those who need you, peacefully.
The Strong, Peaceful Dragon with the Spirit of War
All of the production processes are single-handedly controlled by DXN (One Dragon). All its employees and independent network builders combine the spirit of war and struggle to expand the company to deliver the fantastic products to every possible place and people. DXN products are used in hospitals in many countries for healing and prevention. We do not sort by nations, religions, skin color and other attributes to whom we show the products and business opportunity to.

Struggle for balance
It means a daily struggle to go to work to be able to pay bills. For me, in addition to my full-time job as an English teacher comes online DXN coffee business. I’m struggling to introduce DXN Ganoderma coffee to more and more people. The purpose of this struggle is that I will not have to struggle daily for living month to month. The people who change to DXN coffee will not have to struggle with healthy and financial problems (if they choose business option too). Happiness and balance is the goal.
It’s getting a little complicated, isn’t it? 🙂
Perhaps now that I’ve been able to bring the concepts of war and coffee together, I formulate in a sentence what coffee and war mean to me, but I rather use the word fight instead of war, for it is more appropriate and covers not little difference in meaning:
I’m struggling to make more people drink and distribute DXN coffee instead of fighting wars.
The global impact of DXN business
I think DXN business has a global impact on life events. Everyone will be healthier, happier and more balanced, and thus the world will become an even better place.
It makes more sense to concentrate on spreading health instead of destruction, right?

Summary of the focus of DXN business:
The focus of DXN Ganoderma coffee business is to make our products known to as many people as possible. We do not care about nationality, religion or political views. The goal is to improve the healthy condition and standard of living of those who are interested in this.
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the end! 🙂
If you have got to reading so far and do not think I’m a complete idiot for drivelling away so many unusual things, I suggest you read about Ganoderma healthy coffee on my site, since if we simplify it, coffee is to be “blamed” for everything, he-he! After trying some products it’s also useful to get to know the benefits of DXN’s marketing plan, just to have a comprehensive picture of what is going on here.
Perhaps, as a result of taking medicinal mushroom, I write a lot of things and see the world in other colors, as it is said to have a mood-enhancing effect, on me for sure! 🙂
Online Network Marketing has its own challenges and ups-and-downs too. The changes in websites and domain names – which later on proved to be useful – make me do some extra work. As you might have noticed, I am putting the blogs from my previous site here and to the blog of my DXN Products page.
This writing is also a revised version of the blog from my previous site from 2017-05-14, titled: ”Make coffee, not war”.