How can I determine if DXN is a legitimate Direct Selling Company or not?
When one is looking for a trustworthy MLM company, some key factors should be taken into consideration before registration. So the question arises: Is DXN a legitimate company?
Get to know DXN from this video:
Is DXN a legitimate company? This 8-point-test helps:

1. Is there a product?
Yes, of course! DXN has more than 100 own produced products. Learn more here: DXN webshop
2. Do you get paid on selling products (or your networks products turnover), not on registration/entry fees?
Yes again! Each product has a PV (point value) and bonuses (salaries) are calculated on the basis of this. DXN products users get bonus (commission) even for their own products usage! If someone joins my team (fills in the registration form), but does not order anything, I do not get bonus.
For DXN membership registration, fill in this form
3. Does the company intend to sell products or just positions?
Yes, DXN is a product based MLM business. Let’s put it simple: People can reach higher positions after making more and more turnover. Every level means more money and freedom. The first level in DXN business is Star Agent. The highest is Crown Ambassador.
4. Is there no correlation between the number of people joined and the money earned?
Yes, there isn’t any connection. A smaller network can also produce big turnover of products. For example, 1 person can consume 6 boxes of Lingzhi Coffee 3in1 a month. This turnover can also be reached with six people drinking their one box of healthy coffee every month.
5. If no new people joined today, would I still make money tomorrow?
Yes, you bet! DXN products, especially Ganoderma coffee, Ganozhi Soap and Ganozhi Toothpaste are items of daily usage. Just like me, people order their products every month. Or when they run out of them. You know: there is no compulsory monthly order in DXN.
6. Is there a reasonable product return policy?
Yes, DXN company practices Buy Back Policy to ensure maximum satisfaction of its Distributors. Unsold DXN Products can be returned in their original condition.
7. Do the company’s products have fair market value?
Yes, they do. DXN has the philosphy of LOW PRICE, HIGH QUALITY; LOW PROFILE, HIGH INCOME:
We provide low price and high quality with our products. We intend to keep a low profile while generating high income. We in DXN keep it honest, modest and simple. The focus is on helping people, not on bragging in any way. DXN MLM system is equally accessible to anyone with any background. Anyone can enjoy greater financial independence. Anyone can reach a better standard of living. It is possible with continuous effort. The key is just doing it his/her own way both online and offline. Numerous people all over the world testify about their positive products experience and improved health condition.
8. Do people really need to buy the products again and again?
Yes, DXN produces goods that people need in their daily lives:
- food and beverages,
- food supplements,
- personal hygiene and cosmetics,
- household products,
- home appliances
- water treatment system.
As you see, the answer to all the questions is YES. We can proudly declare that DXN is a legitimate Direct Selling Company. If you need more answers, feel free to contact me! I am at your service with DXN!