Pros and cons of being an employee and an entrepreneur
We all need money and do some kind of work
I believe that the world needs all types of areas that people work in. The work of employees, entrepreneurs and, yes, even the most hated ones, MLM distributors is very important. Here are just few examples:
Most jobs serve the everyday needs of people
If I go to a local supermarket to buy food, household items and clothes, the job of cashiers, storekeepers and cleanswoman is essential. What would I do without them? If someone prefers the market to buy groceries, the job of growers selling their goods is priceless.
Picture source: homepage of Béla IV. Primary School, Hejőkeresztúr
Enterprises provide valuable services and jobs
Entrepreneurs come in real handy if someone wants to have a house built, wants help in repairing pipes, rooves, heating system, and so on. Entrepreneurs also employ other people: they provide jobs for their employees so that they can make a living.
MLM distributors supply high quality products not available in traditional trade
To most people MLM business sounds almost as bad as racism and war. I might be exaggerating here a bit, but infortunately it is still a fact that Multi-level Marketing is despised by the majority of the population.
MLM products are fine but the business model is not really
Those who look down on Network Marketing profession mostly have problem with the business part, not the products.
These people might admit that MLM products are of high quality. Their problem is with the price of MLM products, because they think that they are over-priced. Unfortunately this is true in some cases, but there are a lot of great products that have a good price-value proportion: we get good value for our money.
It is also true that Network Marketing products are not sold via traditional trade, so we can not purchase them in shops. We have to join a company to buy products and by joining we get discounts. Business is not necessary to do.
What is the best way for me to earn money?
The following evidence-based comparisons are also for those who have thought about changing their current way of life, because they aspire to a higher standards of living. Those of you also feel free to read this, who are only curious and interested on an information level. Some people may realize unspoken things that have long since been haunting their minds, but might not yet have dared to admit it even to themselves.
”What is this, some kind of incitement to entice people to do MLM?”
This is far from my goal. Everyone is a ’big boy’ or ‘big girl’ to decide what s/he wants. A reasonably good decision, however, must be based on being well informed and knowing the facts. I would like to help in this.
Does everyone hate their main job who start MLM business?
Jobs can be fun if you find the right one
I think it’s important that one should do such work that s/he likes doing every day. A bicycle mechanic friend of mine enthusiastically works every day. He said he likes repairing bikes because he enjoys turning something from bad to good. The other day I met a young man at a gas station whose willing, warm help to interpret the error message of the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) of my car was exemplary. The gadgets were left in the summer wheelset, so this is why the error light were on in my car. And also I could have understood if he responded wearily. He has to stand for 12 hours in the cold petrol vapour next to a road with big traffic. It can be quite daunting, not to mention the fact that they are surely not overpaid.
Now let’s see what are the advantages and disadvantages in the workplace, enterprise and networking business.
Do I hate my current main job?
By no means, it is not that bad (especially with my recent flip of the switch in my mind). Though, if I said I am satisfied with it in all aspects I’d be lying. English teachers or who work in public education know what I mean. If I told you I hate my job, it would mean that I hate children, my colleagues and the management. On the contrary. If I hated them, I would have left long ago (update: now I work elsewhere). They accepted me from day one and they are very tolerant. Our headmistress came only with solutions to my specific situation in my life (three dogs certainly require a strong schedule). I think this loving, compassionate attitude for children and adults is the first reason of – even before the popular Complex Instruction Program (KIP) – the reputation and success of Béla IV Primary School Hejőkeresztúr.
Everything starts with the people, with ourselves, by ’’making the First Circle Work“(Randy Gage). The nice homely atmosphere ruling the teachers’ staff room has a very good influence on the children too. They are much more moderate than in other schools, according to my experience. This is especially remarkable, as 80% of our pupils are from a disadvantaged socioeconomic background.
Pros and cons of jobs. enterprises and Network Marketing
Advantages of a job – from the perspective of employees:
Payment is received even after the first month’s work.
If working hours are over, one does not have to work (if all goes well…).
The worker can count on it that s/he is going to get salary every month right from the start.
Disadvanteges of a job:
Getting up every day to the sound of the alarm clock.
’’They expect me to work” (a little more about this below): others dictate what, when and how to do.
9-12 hours a day, sometimes more are taken away from people’s time.
Doing overtime often for free. Even if it is paid for, it goes to the expense of free time. The more money may not be worth it, at least in the long run.
Little freetime. The quality of it is often scarred by after-work fatigue.
A person can only get paid if s/he really works, shows up for work and is there at the workplace.
More money can be earned only with more work, which is at the detriment of leisure again.
There is no such thing as a secure job! Anyone can be laid off any time.
We will probably not receive a pension because the pension system will collapse. More in the article of The Economic Collapse Blog.
Salaries may increase only slightly. One can smoothly calculate how much he/she will get in 20-30 years. This means that opportunities are limited by money.
One can not choose who to work together with. Sometimes one has to bear unpleasant, negative, unmotivated people, clients, customers and colleagues.
’’They expect me to work!”
The story of this short sentence said at Sziget festival is very kind and funny to me. When I reminisce, there is always a wide grin on my face. 🙂 A few years ago I would not have even thought about how much truth lies in it. With Peti (Peter), who is a good old friend of mine, we were delivering backstage equipment to one stage of Sziget festival in a truck with boundless good cheer, laughing all the way. At one of the intersections a previous ’little boss’ of ours stopped us.
’’Hello guys, is everything okay?”
Peti, who had one second ago been joking with me, suddenly changing to an all-serious tone, said:
’’No, nothing is okay … they expect me to work!”
At first I was surprised about his seriousness, then we almost dropped out of the car from laughing. Our ’dear’ little ex-boss quickly drove off with his quad. He thought, he just had enough of us for this year’s festival too, not to speak of all the past ones he had to endure, LOL! 😀
We could only work cheerfully, even if we had gone to others’ nerves. It was not our fault they did not have a sense of humour and could not enjoy every moment of work at Sziget. A festival of course is a much more casual environment than, say, a school, a shop or an office. No need to pull a long face even there in my opinion. We have and will have lots of great memories from Sziget festival, word!
Advantages of enterprise:
There is no boss who conducts – though many entrepreneurs say that ’’the toughest boss I’ve ever had is myself”.
I choose my employees.
I decide when and how much I work.
A well-primed, well-functioning enterprise generates significantly more profit than a traditional job.
Many costs can be written off from tax perfectly legally.
Disadvantages of enterprise:
A lot of capital is a must to start up a private company: The minimum registered capital in Hungary is 3 million HUF for Ltd (more on the topic on the homepage of Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment).
The beginning first few years are almost a loss (deficit) for every business.
Statistics show that 90% of all new businesses go bankrupt in the first 5 years.
If one does not work, s/he does not make money.
Because of this, many people are slaves to their business, often doing superhuman overtime.
The entrepreneur must supervise the work of employees.
Must keep things in hand and track everything including accounting and logistics, because it is no one else’s interest as much as the entrepreneur’s.
The entrepreneur is the one who first arrives at the place of work and she or he is the last one to go home. S/he opens and closes the shop.
Multi-Level Marketing: the Business of Freedom
This is what it means for me too, this is my goal with it. The often seemingly fruitless work invested in network building ripens. It pays off financially on the long run. By the time when it does, I master my own time, I do not let others waste it.
Advantages of MLM business:
One does not have to go to a workplace.
One can work with people who are sympathetic to him/her.
No need to learn a trade for several years at vocational school, university, college avoiding the costs of these (tuition, travel, etc.) as well. During 4-5 years’ time – which is the same time spent on academic studies – one can to build a Network Marketing business providing stable income (it might take longer of shorter for some).
Of course I do not want to dissuade those who wants to study and graduate from higher education and have specific goals, but the above described are facts. In University vs. MLM topic you can expect a writing from me later on.
They do not ”expect me to work”: no one can dictate when, where, how and how much work to do
No need to step outside my comfort zone in DXN MLM! Wow, but one can hear the opposite everywhere! Yes, but fortunately here at DXN mushroom coffee business it is otherwise! I for example do not write a name list and make cold calls. 😉
The payment has no upper limit (well, some might say that here comes the ”squirrel-blinding” lie for sure): the turnover of a well established retail distribution network grows continuously. The basis of salary (bonus) is the product turnover. The network consists of product users and business builders. It continues to grow, of course, only in case of correct sponsoring of those who join me. After a while they become independent, and after a job once well done one receives the payment until the end of his/her life. For most people who ’only’ want to enjoy product benefits, it is only necessary to teach how to place an order by themselves.
Moreover, the network is heritable, ensuring the future of families.
The whole beauty of it all that one earns money with helping others: with DXN products (improved health status with Ganotherapy) and to achieve higher income with the business opportunity. Those who have bad-mouth, suck up and trample can not get ahead in Network marketing.
If one does not work actively or physically every day, s/he also gets money after a certain level. This is when the first years of hard work start to pay off. It is enough to buy the product quantity necessary to receive bonus. It is not a problem at all, as everyone in DXN and other, real companies use a lot of products. They do not get stuffed upon shelves in the garage, as they are products of everyday use.
Financial independence: a well-established MLM network provides pension-like, secure residual income. You can read about how can money be earned with selling mushroom coffee here: payment in DXN MLM network.
An MLM company does not sack employees. Of course there are certain standards that have to be followed (see: DXN Distributorship Rules), but there is no such thing as ’’You do not come to work? You’re fired!” (Please note, that until a certain level daily work is required if one wants to get ahead the quickest way possible. But noone is going to make you work!)
MLM is obligation-free: there is no expectation either regarding product order or work.
’’Then I must peddle walking around in a suit?”
One does not have to wear a suit. It is not my favorite piece of clothing either. l explicitly discourage everyone from pedlary. I believe it does not work in 2018. I neither like, nor do this type of business building.
Multi-level Marketing biz can be started from a small amount. More on this in DXN MLM Frequently Asked Questions
One can work from home on the Internet as well.
This is not the business of the rich, yakky and pushy. In most cases such a types do not succeed. Anyone can do it without any kind of qualification and diplomas if they are willing to learn because network building is also a profession.
There are free, online trainings. There are also public performances with experts on products, business and personal developement. Adam Szalay, who is Sikerkód’s (Success Code) famous Hungarian motivational trainer has visited us among others.
DXN is a stable, legitimate direct selling company with real everyday consumer goods.
Disadvantages of MLM business:
The work invested in it initially may show only a few results, often for years, and that discourages many people.
It is not about immediate monthly payment. Stabile income is a certain period of time away. (In DXN, however, there is an exception to this).
MLM is often thought of as illegal pyramid system.
”If it’s such a good deal then how come the street is not full of MLM millionaires?”
A lot of rejections and little money at first.
Because only a few people are willing to take the initial failures that might last up to several years. Only a few of us step over the denials, rejections. The continuous learning of the new profession and the slowly arriving future results are not easy to live with. Few people are able to work for a long-term goal even for years in a way that they do not see any significant amount of money out of it. Even if the earn some, it can be much less than they would like, or less than they earn in the current full-time job. The good news is that one will not lose money in Network Marketing, only his/her free time spent, which will be repaid for with usury.
jöhet ide a táblázat a dxn oldalrol risk stb dxn, job …
There is no bullshit in DXN, no promises for free Lamborghini, luxury villas, yachts.
’’Bring five people and you will have nothing else to do, I’ll put the people under you, you’ll be a millionaire in six months!” I bet most of us heard crap like this. If you hear anything like this, get the hell outtat here! These are not legitimate ways, such things are said to lure people into Ponzi-schemes.
A real MLM company can be tracked down to the last detail online.
A lawful company has all its data, distribution, real estate, factories publicly available to anyone on the Internet. DXN even appears on stock exchange. You do not have to believe me, see for yourself.
dr lim tőzsdés gongos kép lacitol kapott fotok közül ide
There are also reward trips called TSIP – Travel Seminar Incentive Program here. They are for free, at the company’s expense, but they also need to be worked for. Yes, one must work and do it. One needs to put something on the table first to get something later. But I think it’s worth to work even for 4-5 years making do with less impressive results, so later one does not have to suffer every day till the retirement age of doubtful outcome.
Only those who quit do not make it
Many people stop on the threshold of success. A good friend told me that if he did not receive a lot of money after three years and there would not be any result, he certainly would stop dealing with this business. But what are these three years to the remaining 25? In Hungary 40 years must be worked till retirement. I would ’’only” have to work 25 years more as a public servant. There is no greater motivation for me than that!
Time spent is time earned
I take on to spend part of my free time daily on DXN MLM business for a few years more so that I will not have to work off even 25 years till retirement for peanuts, having to settle for a few hours of free time by necessity. All this I do happily, because I love all things accompanied with MLM business, and I’m proud to represent DXN in front of the whole world.
Utilizing the power of the Internet
’’Online network marketing” was a magical-sounding, new and exciting term for me. It is a huge thing to utilize the potentials of the Internet. In addition to entertainment, the world wide web can also help me to earn extra money for laying the foundation for my own and my family’s future.
This is the reedited and improved version of my original blog post from my former page. The original title was ” Job, enterprise and MLM business: advantages and disadvantages” and I published it in 2016-11-24.